So who is this chick, anyway? And why does she think she has any right to tell me what to do?
Frankly, she doesn't.
The thing is, I’m not telling you what to do.
YOU are telling you what to do.
You kept reading this page for a reason. So there's something you need to hear. It might help ease a pressure in your life. It might free you from some burden. It might inspire you to take a different path. That’s why I’m here, saying all the things.
And frankly, in this internet age, risking your anger and a serious flame war.
But hoping instead! you'll be served by my words. That they’ll be encouragement for you to make changes—the changes YOU want in YOUR life. Because you’re an adult, and you get to choose.
Hi. I’m Heather.
I’m a certified mindset and life coach. Let’s speak frankly.