Frankly, stop buying coat hangers.
Limited coat hangers means limited clothes.
Which means limited clutter.

Frankly, if you're a Christian, you should be gathering with fellow believers.
Ideally, you should be at a church worshipping at least once a week.
You may have been burned by it in the past, but don't give up.

Frankly, you need to turn off the news.
Human beings aren't designed to handle this constant influx of irrelevant (yes, I said it! irrelevant!) information.

Frankly, people will criticize you for literally ANY choice you make.
So do what you will.
Life is a la carte. You're an adult and you get to pick.

Frankly, it's highly likely you're overscheduled and don't even know it.
I'm fine, you think. And maybe you are.
Maybe you can handle your crazy schedule.
But know this: