Frankly, you need to throw away those scented candles.
Yes, all of them.
Right in the trash.
They're awful for your health.
That's not my opinion. There's been plenty of studies.
They're spouting nasty, synthetic grossness into the air, and then you breathe it in.
It's not good.
It triggers asthma and headaches and even migraines! (If you get migraines, saying bye to your candles is a great place to start.)
I know...they're cute and fun. I like to read fantasy novels and there's so many cool tie-in candle scents with beautiful artwork...
...but they all give me a horrific headache. Even when they're not lit! That's a red flag right there. An aching head is not cute or fun.
So out they go.
Bye toxic candles!
Old school beeswax is where it's at.