Frankly, working until you reach burn out isn't something to be admired.
I hate this hustle culture so prevalent with women entrepreneurs.
Chasing things so hard and taking on so much you need wine to calm down and that's what others should aspire to??
No, thank you.
And this comes from a place of personal knowledge for me--well, not the wine--yuck--but the rest.
I burned myself out in undergrad taking nearly a double load every semester, plus I'm a grade junkie so I wanted to graduate with honors. Emotional (and physical) breakdown by junior year (because those things go side by side). I was so exhausted. Repeat with graduate school. (No, I didn't learn my lesson!) I burned myself out writing and completing and defending my masters thesis in 9 months. Then I burned myself out AGAIN as a new mom, never asking for help, but trying to keep clothes clean and household running and making food and sleep training and never making any time to really rest.
It's not a badge of honor.
Slow down, ask for help.
It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Don't break your body and your mind for those artificial goals you set for yourself.
Yes, an extra income is a great thing. I highly recommend you have one. Or more.
I have an extra income. And I’d love to show you the way.
We won't hustle and we won’t rely on wine or chase false goals. We’ll do things that are sustainable and realistic long term.
Trash the hustle and come along with me to the calm and the cool and the successful.
Ready to close some income gaps? I got you. Talk to me.