Frankly, stop buying coat hangers.
You wanna know one of the easiest life hacks?
That right there.
Limited coat hangers means limited clothes.
Which means limited clutter.
And closets that aren't full.
Are there clothes on every coat hanger you own?
Then you need to cull before you buy anything new.
At my house, we've used this method for years.
It serves as an alert that:
a. It's time to clean out and donate.
b. We don't need anything new.
c. Both!
So pick a number of coat hangers to start.
(Preferably a number that fits comfortably in your closet.)
Then stick with it.
Don't buy more dressers or handbag hangers or shoe racks or accessory bins either.
General note about closets:
If they're full, you need to CULL, not move to a bigger place or get a storage unit.
You can do with a LOT less than you think.