Frankly, if you're a Christian, you should be reading your bible.
Did that sting?
Then you should be reading your bible.
Sure, it's long.
Yeah, if you haven't spent much time with it, it can seem confusing.
Guess what? God wrote it for you. If you care about Him like you say you do, you should care what He has to say. The bible is where you go to do that. Imagine never making time to hear what your friends or family have to say. Awful, right? That's what you're saying to Him when you don't read. Yikes.
It's not that complicated. That's a lie we tell ourselves when it feels overwhelming.
There's tons of guides that break it down. Easy. Manageable.
And don't get caught up thinking commentary is necessary. You can understand most of it on your own. Really, you can.
Just read. Read every day. And be blessed by how His words enrich your life.
I know, you’re inspired and ready to get started. I got you covered. Pick a reading plan and go!
Read, alternating old and new testament