It's called an alarm clock.
People used them for years and years before the invention of smart phones and somehow managed to wake up on time.
Sound crazy? Like some kind of magic?
It's just a clock.
The unparalleled Simon Sinek recommends this, and he's right.
Don't be driven by those screens.
Get a clock with the simulated sunrise effect for the gentlest wake up.
Or get an old school one with the bells on top. You won't sleep through that!
Wake up with a clock.
Get up.
Get dressed.
Eat breakfast.
Decide when you interact with the world on your schedule.
Don't let some bad news from halfway around the world** wreck your day when it's barely begun.
That's not healthy.
Alarm. Clock.
Get one.
**that literally doesn't personally affect you AT ALL and you never would have heard about 20 years ago.