Frankly, text messages are a trash way to communicate with another human being.
Yes, PMs, DMs, SMS, everything.
Absolute garbage.
When you talk to someone, you need to look them in the eye. You need to see their facial expressions.
And if you can't, at the very least, you need to hear inflection.
Back in the old days, when people used their phones to make calls, they still heard what was important. The person you called couldn't easily fake how they were feeling. You heard it in their voice, in or in the chaos in the background. Those cues let you know to ask questions, to offer to help. To hang up and head straight to their house.
And now?
They could be screaming inside but text you that they're fine.
That everything's great.
And you'll never know the difference.
Friends should know what's really going on.
Don't text.