Frankly, your garage is for your car, not that extra stuff you own.
And that goes for your self storage unit too.
When I was growing up, self storage places were rare.
Now they're on every corner.
How did that market grow?
From people with too much stuff.
You have too much stuff. I have too much stuff.
My car is in the garage, and I don't have a storage unit, and I have too much stuff.
One of the benefits of being an Army brat growing up is we moved all the time. And the Army only pays for a certain amount of weight when you move. The rest comes out of your own pocket. So we culled and garage saled pretty much every year of my childhood. It's a good practice. It keeps that garage and storage unit empty. It gives you peace of mind because there's not clutter everywhere. Your car lasts longer because it's protected from the elements. And people in need benefit from your regular donations.
Stuff used to be more expensive and lasted a long time.
So you only had a little of it, and you used it pretty much your whole life.
Now everything seems disposable. It's cheaper, so we have lots of it. Too much. And unfortunately, these days even most of the expensive stuff is made poorly. I'd much rather have a few well-made things than all the trashy clutter that's so the norm now.
Wouldn't you?
Clutter just clutters up the mind. Your brain has no place to breathe in the constant noise of stuff. Plus your garage is full and you're paying for a storage unit.
What if you could put that money back in your pocket every month?
What would that do for your budget?
Your peace of mind?
I’m always looking for quality American-made products. If you’ve got a product you love, tell me! Thanks.